The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: I fell in love with Penn State in 1960 and just could not leave after graduation in 1964. I worked in the Applied Research Lab while working on my MEd. and eventually entered the field of technical education including a stint as a P/T instructor at PSU from 1966 to 1970. I retired after 37 years and immediately went to work for S&A Homes, Inc. in the State College corporate office. I'm semi-retired now but S&A has been gracious by allowing me to spend at least one day a week in their Cost Management department. My ties with Penn State are strong as I'm the co-chair for our 45th class reunion and our son-in-law, Randy Jepson, is the Penn State Men's gymnastics coach. We were honored to have Randy take Kevin Tan to compete in the 2008 Olympics. My hobbies are period furniture reproduction, collecting old toys and trains, restoring antique trucks, street rods and Corvettes. I still get a lump in my throat every time I walk on campus as it brings back such wonderful memories. It has been a great life and the Lord has blessed us through trials, tribulations and moments of great joy at the birth of our children and grandchildren who nearly all live within a 15 mile radius of Penn State. One regret is that I lost touch with many friends and fraternity brothers over the years and hope to renew those friendships during our upcoming 45th PSU reunion. |